About EBSP Rescue

EBSP Rescue was created in 2020 by Victor MacPherson. After attending a Technical Large Animal Rescue course (TLAER) by Dr. Rebecca Husted in 2013 Victor realized that most, if not all fire departments in Ontario were not trained to handle animal emergencies. Victor first started teaching with Rebecca in the US in 2015, but wanted more to be available to Canadians. He started working with Equine Guelph at the University of Guelph in 2015 educating first responders on farm safety and equine rescue. 2 years later he started working with Farm and Food Care Ontario educating first responders on emergency response to motor vehicle accidents involving livestock.
After serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, retiring as district chief from a volunteer department with 26 years of service and 5 years of teaching various forms of large animal rescue he decided to create EBSP Rescue. It stands for Equine, Bovine, Swine, and Poultry. Or for those not familiar: horse, cow, pig, and chicken.
Victor still teaches with TLAER, Equine Guelph, and Farm and Food Care Ontario. EBSP Rescue has also made developments in partnership with universities creating accredited courses related to certain programs. Since opening EBSP Rescue he has started manufacturing rescue glide kits. These kits include the basics of what would be needed to conduct a large animal rescue. Head on over to our Rescue Equipment for more info.